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So far dev@spikesalesnow.com has created 116 blog entries.

Businesses Need to Start Their Tax Planning Now!

Hey, it’s still summer outside, so no one wants to think about income taxes, right?  We’re sorry, but it’s time, especially for businesses that are on extension for filing their 2020 returns.  S Corp and Partnership returns must be filed by September 15th (check your state for disaster extensions) and that’s just a few weeks [...]

Businesses Need to Start Their Tax Planning Now!2021-08-13T13:38:46+00:00

Bonus Benefits from Tax Planning

Have you worked toward losing weight in the past because you want to look more attractive, or fit into an expensive wardrobe you already own? When you lose weight you often also lower your blood pressure and/or cholesterol as a bonus. It might not be the primary motivation, but the extra benefit is of course [...]

Bonus Benefits from Tax Planning2021-08-06T13:48:08+00:00

The Benefits of Charitable Giving

On Match 17th,  the Urban Institute, Brookings Institution and their individual authors, reported that because of the small share of the population currently eligible for itemized tax deductions for charitable giving, many charities have argued that a more universal charitable deduction or tax credit should exist.  A more universal subsidy could (but would not necessarily) [...]

The Benefits of Charitable Giving2021-07-30T14:09:17+00:00

Don’t Be a Tax Park and Bark!

Go to any party, any backyard BBQ, baseball game or the yacht club on race day and you are likely to hear someone complaining about taxes.   People love to hate them, but they act as if they have no control over them!  Taxes are not a storm over the ocean that “at God’s will” might [...]

Don’t Be a Tax Park and Bark!2021-07-23T13:11:25+00:00

Are Taxes Fair?

The answer to that might surprise you.  Because, for the most part, the answer is yes.  However, sometimes they are only fair if you know how to “play the game”.  Most people think only the wealthy can avoid paying income tax because they know how to play the game.  Well, at a much lower level, everybody knows some of [...]

Are Taxes Fair?2021-07-16T14:16:34+00:00

Biden is Shaking the Tax Tree…What Will Really Fall Out?

With every new president, we hear that taxes are going to be changed.  Some promise to lower them in order to get elected, even though there is no way for them to go down while we spend the way we do, service our huge debts and keep the lights on.  Some say they are going [...]

Biden is Shaking the Tax Tree…What Will Really Fall Out?2021-07-09T14:09:18+00:00

Taxes, Like Rain in the Spring, are a Constant, But You Can Open an Umbrella

Many people are looking at their calendar and realizing that June has passed, and although they had great intentions in March and April of getting proactive in and around learning how to mitigate this year’s tax outcomes, the time has slipped by.  People who should be storing capital differently in that stock brokerage account have [...]

Taxes, Like Rain in the Spring, are a Constant, But You Can Open an Umbrella2021-07-02T14:34:06+00:00

It’s Summer and If You’re At the Ocean There Are Surfers. I’ve Noticed, Surfers Are Like Tax Planners.

The surfers sit and look at the horizon and anticipate the size of the waves. It’s not an exact science, but they make their choice and then, the most important part, they proactively paddle like crazy toward the oncoming wave crest, well ahead of its arrival.  This allows them to meet the wave on their own terms, rather [...]

It’s Summer and If You’re At the Ocean There Are Surfers. I’ve Noticed, Surfers Are Like Tax Planners.2021-06-25T13:56:06+00:00

The IRS Is Having A Yard Sale And It’s Got A Real Bargain!

It seems like everywhere I go, there are cars on the side of the road and the unmistakable buzz of people with “yard sale face” rushing to see what hot deals they can find.  It’s nice to see some post pandemic normalcy. It’s always been a summer ritual, and as badly as we all crave [...]

The IRS Is Having A Yard Sale And It’s Got A Real Bargain!2021-06-18T13:54:47+00:00

People Love to Vacation.

Some do it often, while others hold on all year for that one great week and live day by day until that magical start date on the calendar!  A new wave in our digital age is to only take three or four day weekends, but do it more often.  However you “vacation”, they do have [...]

People Love to Vacation.2021-06-11T14:18:52+00:00
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